Tuesday, April 19, 2011

2012 Olympics: Which National Anthems that Are Iritating the most?

Music plays the biggest role in such major games. Remeber when our badminton player Susi Susanti broke in tears as the national anthem "Indonesia Raya" played while she stood in the podium, holding the gold medal she got in 1992 World Olympics? Pretty emotional right.

Regardless of the "emotional" part, let's take a look at musicality sides of the national anthems. The Art Desk gives their picks about the most terrible national anthems ever made. Five national anthems, the worst. However, they don't give any exact reasons about their lists.

Talking about the upcoming Olympics, the game will be held in London UK this 2012. Unfortunately, the London Philharmonic Orchestra will be the host to record -in 60 gruelling recording hours for six days- the 205 national anthems, including the most irritated ones below:

(the origin countries of the worst national anthems)
- Algeria
- Belarus
- Norway
- Iraq
- United Kingdom (ironically)

Well, when it comes the worst, don't forget the best national anthems. They also lists the ones that deserve the gold medals. The countries are:


Everyone can explain why Indonesia didn't make the cut?? both worst and best?

source: the art desk

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