Saturday, August 14, 2010

My First Packages mailed from London (with Fancy Things Inside)

Two days ago, I was very thrilled. The mail that I had been waiting for had finally arrived. It was packages sent exclusively for me from London as the privilege for a winner of an ‘easy’ competition held by a major label company.

 As the delivery man stopped by then he made sure it was the correct address by calling out my name, my blood felt rushing to my head. It was an excitement. Besides that it was a long waited time, the thing made me very excited that the mail addressee is me, with letters combining my own full name written right under the label company’s, DECCA RECORDS, address. It sounded very exclusive to me. Suddenly I felt like a newcomer singer who gets the first copy of his own album a day before its worldwide launch.

The surreal moment got real as I (extra-carefully -- hoping not to leave any ‘scars’ even in the wrapping paper) opened the two separated packages. Inside these two, there were five exclusive booklets, enclosed with CD and DVD, from different five major classical musicians (obviously, because DECCA is one of the major record label that signed up musicians like Andrea Bocelli or Jamie Cullum which most of them come from classical and jazz genre). The artists were the two famous Chinese-native pianists, Lang Lang and Yuja Wang, the world- celebrated mezzo-soprano, Cecilia Bartoli, and two German-native tenor and violist, Jonas Kaufmann and Anne-Sophie Mutter. Each of the artists’ booklets are originally a press kit that made for promotional used only. So, the content of the DVD were basically just a short-preview/behind the scene and the artist interview talking about their album. Far from my expectation, I thought the DVD was a full concert. Despite of my ‘little’ disappointment, I still enjoy the freebies though. The music inside the CD were a full (not a preview) track and the graphic and design of the booklet are very delightful yet catchy. All lovely fancy things. ( I can say the price of the giveaway can be worth at least one or two million Rupiah).

Until this moment, I’m still wondering: “how lucky I am?”. Considering it was just a RT-this-tweet quiz, which it could be hundreds of twitter followers RT-ed the message, and they announced me as the winner, also regarding that they yearned to sent the prizes over the distances, from London to Jakarta, within nine days. I couldn’t be more thrilled.

Massive thanks to DECCA RECORDS xx

*details about the booklet later ;)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

I'm Back!!

Welcome (me) back!!

it's been months I haven't blogged.

Final duty is killing me that I have no time to write anything..
Lots of things been going on lately..
Dealing with delayed paper and my future life are two of the most urgent issues I'm dealing with..
Hope, I'm back in the right track, a healing track: blogging

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Good Causes!!!

Hari Jumat ini (11/06) akan diadakan “Malam Apresiasi” yang diselenggrakan oleh panitia renovasi gedung gereja GPIB Jemaat PATMOS. Acara ini diadakan dalam rangka ucapan-terima kasih panitia atas partisipasi kawan semua yang telah menyumbangkan sebagaian berkatnya untuk membantu pengrenovasian gedung gereja GPIB Jemaat PATMOS di Tangerang.

“Malam Apresiasi” ini sendiri akan didukung oleh ‘duet’ maut Benny dan Berry Likumahua dkk :)

Undangan masih tersedia lho, jadi untuk kawan-kawan yang berminat mendukung penggalan dana ‘Patmos’ ini, kamu bisa mendapatkan undangan dengan menghubungi panitia pelaksana ke nomor 021 94209027 dan 021 80709951 atau 085719290014 (sdri. Anggi)


Tentang Undangan
Harga undangan adalah Rp 1.000.000,- yang seluruh profit penjualan akan digunakan sebagai donasi pembangunan Gereja Patmos. Pembayaran dapat dilakukan melalui transaksi non-tunai, dengan mentrasfer dana melalui rekening Bank BRI Cab, Tangereng (no rek. 0120-01-040303-50-7 a/n. GPIB Jemaat Patmos). Demi memudahkan pencatatan, mohon untuk mengirimkan bukti transfer ke Gereja Patmos
Fax: 021 – 5922902
Telp: 021 - 94209027

*Undangan "Malam Apresiasi" GPIB Jemaat PATMOS

Tentang GPIB Jemaat “Patmos” dan Pengrenovasiannya…
(Seperti yang dikutip dari lembar undangan “Malam ‘Apresiasi”)

“Mari, membangun bersama…”

Rumah Ibadah GPIB Patmos telah hadir di Pondok Rejeko, Kutabaru Tangerang, sejak tahun 1991. Sejak dilembagakannya pada tahun 1998, kami menggunakan ruang seluas 135 m2, diatas tanah 368 m2, sebagai tempat satu-satunya untuk melaksanakan semua kegiatan. Ibadah Hari Minggu dan pembinaan, pertemuan/rapat, serta kegiatan lain di luar hari Minggu, terpusat di gereja dengan menggunakan ruang yang sama. Syukurlah pada tahun 2009, dengan pertolongan Tuhan, kami boleh membangun ruang baru untuk kegiatan Pelayanan Anak/ Teruna, juga ruang sekretariat/kantor.

Betapa kami merindukan peningkatan dan perbaikan sarana, yang diharapkan akan menopang kegiatan persekutuan, pelayanan dan kesaksian jemaat. Karenanya, kami ingin membangun dan mempersiapkan beberapa ruang terpisah untuk setiap kegiatan. Kami juga rindu memiliki ruang khusus untuk beribadah, dimana kenyamanan, ketertiban dan hikmatnya beribadah dapat diwujudkan.

Perbaikan/pembangunan gedung gereja, penambahan dan pembagian ruang-ruang secara menyeluruh, diperkirakan membutuhkan dana Rp. 1.500.000.000 (satu setengah milyar rupiah); yang dalam rencananya dibagi dalam tiga tahap pembangunan. Saat ini, kami sedang berada di tahap pertama, dengan kebutuhan dana kurang lebih Rp. 500.000.000 (lima ratus juta rupiah).

Persediaan dana sebesar itu tidak mungkin dapat tersedia tanpa pertolongan dan hikmat Tuhan. Dengan kesadaran inilah, kami mengadakan kegiatan pencarian dan penggalangan dana. Kami pun percaya, Tuhan akan turut bekerja dalam segala sesuatu, sehingga hati banyak orang – termasuk anda, tergerak untuk menjadi dermawan yang peduli akan kebutuhan kami. Selanjutnya, dengan senang dan tulus hati ikut berbagi peran dalam mendukung usaha ini.
Demikianlah Anda ikut membangun bersama.

“Sebab kamu dibebani bukanlah supaya orang-orang lain mendapat keringanan, tetapi supaya ada keseimbangan”
2 Korintus 8:13

Tentang “Malam Apresiasi”
Diadakan di Mahogany Ballroom Hotel Imperial Aryaduta, Lippo Village, pada hari Jumat (11/06) pukul 19.00 WIB. Acara akan didukung oleh penampilan Benny dan Barry Likumahua dkk serta Corr Tetelepta.

Mudah-mudahan informasi ini dapat berguna khususnya demi memperluas penyiaran kabar keselamatan. Tuhan memberkati pelayanan kawan semua :D

Friday, April 2, 2010

'Crash' of the titan..

it's another Sci-Fi movie starting Sam Worthington,"Clash of The Titan". But wait it's not sci-fi. Is it colosal, action? whatever it called, the movie kinda makes lil' bit bored.

Zeus, Medusa, Persesus, Argos ..I hate greek myth

but, positioning myself as a 3D beginner, I quit enjoyed that 1st experience. haha

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Ciputat – Lebak Bulus – Jatinangor, 5 subuh

Agak berat menjalani ini pada awalnya, eh lama-lama malah dibawa nikmat…

Berdomisili di dua daerah berbeda emang agak berat. Menimbah ilmu di bumi Parahyangan (bergeser dikit di Jatinangor pastinya), tapi tetap berkreasi di ibu kota ( juga bergeser dikit keperbatasan Jakarta-Tangerang: Ciputat).

Hampir empat tahun hidup nomaden, (untungnya) antar dua provinsi berbeda, namun belum menemukan waktu yang benar-benar maknyus untuk melakukan perjalanan rutin, khususnya perjalanan Jakarta – Jatinangor. Siang bolong, kisaran jam12 – 3, sering dicoba, hasilnya: emosian karena macet plus gerah. Jam 5-7 malam, rasanya hampir menjadi pilihan, bebas panas namun tetap saja macet di sekitar Ciputat-Lebak Bulus plus perjalanan akan sangat membosankan di dalam Primajasa (jasa angkutan kesayangan penduduk pendatang di Jatinangor) karena gelap membuat tiada ritual membaca majalah, atau textbook saat kepepet ujian satu jam berikutnya, hanya iPod usang 1gb dengan playlist yang tak kalah usang pula.

Seiring perkembangan waktu yang membuat saya makin dewasa, setidaknya, akhirnya terpikirkan oleh saya untuk mencoba sesuatu yang berbeda. Sebenarnya mencoba karena kepepet juga. Pada waktu itu, hari minggu yang selalu menjadi hari favorit untuk kembali ke habitat, ke jatinangor dari ciputat, saya tidak sempat kembali ke habitat, karena beberapa hal yang sekiranya sangat penting harus diselesaikan. Padahal keesokan harinya, mulai kuliah jam 8 pagi. Akhirnya keputusan yang sulitpun harus diambil: pulang ke Jatinangor di pagi buta. Tekat kuat bangun jam 3 pagi dan sudah harus duduk manis dalam bus jam 5 pagi.

Awalnya merengek, lama kelamaan enjoy juga. Bangun, berpakaian baju tidur, tak perlu malu, selain ditutupi jaket, saingan berbaju keren juga mana ada yang berkeliaran jam 4-5 pagi. Tak perlu sikat gigi, tak perlu mandi, selain percuma karena muka akan acak adut juga sembari tidur pulas di bus, membayar waktu tidur yang dibajak. Hanya bermodalkan cipratan air dan sabun cuci muka saja. Jam 4 subuh sudah nongkrong di depan kompleks, berdiri manis menunggu angkot yang pada jam itu enggan lewat. Angkot akan membawa saya menuju pasar Ciputat. Lokasi transit angkot ke lebak bulus, yang ternyata sudah mulai ramai. Melihat kesibukan di pasar, terlintas dipikiran: disinilah denyut ekonomi dimulai. Bukan di supermarket, perkantoran, ataupun bursa-efek. Bukan pula oleh bankir, akuntan, atau broker, melainkan oleh pedagang kelas menengah ke bawah. Penjual melakukan transaksi dengan pembeli, yang kebanyakan adalah para ibu. Para ibu keluar rumah subuh sewaktu suami-anak masih terlelap tidur, pergi ke pasar, membeli kebutuhan logistik yang nantinya disiapkan untuk orang rumah.

Wow, secara tidak langsung semua ‘penglihatan’ itu membuat saya semangat untuk menjalani hari. Ndak mau kalah dengan mereka karena saya juga perlu semangat yang begituan karena umur saya yang jauh lebih mudah (memang sudah seharusnya). Ndak mau membuang waktu. Harus semangat sesampai di Jatinangor nanti.

Friday, March 26, 2010

"Dads+Moms" playground

What could be more interesting than spending the evening doing activity with lots of 'adults'..

Yes, I just have spent 2hrs practicing on Church Choir. But today is friday,not saturday that I have regular practice with Gita Seraphim Choir (GSC) which all members are almost the same age as mine.

This is friday, the day I engroup with many Dads and Moms. Yes, parents, people whose age equals my age in double, even multiple.

My mom asked me to join our church choir singing in the good friday. Well, at the first place I thought it would be interisting to sing with many old(er) people, who are experience. But the interst was disappeared rightaway as we start to sing the first song. They, and me unfortunately, sing all of their own. Sopran, Alto, Tenor, Bass part written in the partiture were sung differently as we got too 'creative' in making another sound.

Not being mean (and high-profiling), but I can sing better. Of course, not better than Josh Groban, Maria Callas, Mariah Carey, you name it , but at least I know notes and how to sing it, 'appropriately'.

What makes worse? As I tried to correct them, they were just still doing on their own, MISTAKES, which is false to the sharp. I didn't know, whether it was all happened because of their incapability to sing it, or 'unexperienced', or because they, parents, are stubborn, as they are getting older. The best part was they talked too much, even when other choir-mates were practicing their part. Too much of carelessness. They were also throwing jokes, like us, which was not cool for me. I think it was awkward to see your parents acting like youth (but it's cool to have a youth spirit). What a playground there!

Somehow, they are still our parents (why our? sons+daughters also there). Looking at how they act, it's like our reflection maybe in the next 20-30 years, which I'm not interested to be. Very natural, as we get older, reaching half century, well thanks to God, we will act like what parents should be done. But I don't wanna be a stubborn parent who is getting 'cold' when my son/daughter try to correct me how do I look, how bad I am when cooking the breakfast. they aren't on my parent-guide list.

Quite awkward to involve in the situation like that, but "Dads+Moms" playground is just another reflection of how 'stupid' we will be

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

another good flick: 'Benji Button'

Today is another day watching 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button' on tv.

Well, Benjamin ( or I easily call him Benji Button) has scored my taught to 'license' it as one of my favourite drama movies, after CRASH (won 2006's Oscars), and bff inspired movie 'Simon Birch'.

I don't know if i'm good at picking a good movie since i'm not on of AMPAS members, but I can tell you this one is so effing outstanding. A story about Benji Button who was born in rare disease (not sure it's a disease). He has our grandpa's condition as he was a baby, growing to be young. Living backward againsts the 'time' of any normal human beings. A condition some people will prefer since it becomes younger, and pretty as Brad Pitt.

Watching the movie a couple of times makes me wondering. Be born already with burdens and growing up easily as the burdens wash away. Living hell at first, and taste the heaven at last.

Benji had been nominated in last year Academy Award, but the eup just came in, to me, as i get smart enough to endorse a great movie, and wiser to pick one. Well broken dvd player is another major reason, making so much delay to keep updated w/ good movies for a year.

The 1st Classical Band Aid

25 years Ago, 'We Are The World' was recorded for fighting African hunger.
year before Bob Geldof motorized the infamous UK 'Band Aid'.

and now, yes there is the new 'We Are The World' (Which is not I'am going to talk about :)) but what I'm up to is the first classical 'band aid': Classical Relief for Haiti.

The relief is joined by 23 classical performers, including Britain's Got Talent winner Faryl Smith, Paul Potts, Rhydian. Not to mention British success group Libera, Blake, All Angels, Bond and soloists like Cammila Kerslake and Darius. the gorgeous 'The Prayer'(writen by David Foster, famously performed by Dion and Bocelli)is selected in marking the first classical band aid.

The Track is now available. Download the track in the profits will be 100% donated to the Disasters Emergency Committee

Well, if you can't download because of any 'understandable' circumstances :), you can still watch the footage of course. Just insert 'haiti classical relief' in your youtube key-search.

The full list of artists taking part are as follows (in alphabetical order): Aled Jones, All Angels, Blake, Bond, Camilla Kerslake, Charlie Siem, Dame Evelyn Glennie, Darius Campbell, Elysium, Faryl Smith, Gardar Thor Cortez, Julian Lloyd Webber, Julian Smith, Libera, Natasha Marsh, Only Men Aloud, Operababes, Paul Potts, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Rhydian, Sara Kempe, The Priests, Wynne Evans.

the list is still damn good, but it's a pity other big names, like Charlotte Church (making a good come-back I thought), Hayley Westenra, Katherine Jenkins, to Josh Groban, couldn't join this gang..

(photos are taken from and

Friday, March 12, 2010

The 82nd Annual Academy Awards: The All New Oscar Records

The Academy has over, but bunch of new records have just been made in 82 years of its celebration saga.

Kathryn Bigelow becomes the first woman ever to win the Oscar for the best director of a motion picture. Her directed movie, The Hurt Locker, which story out-lines the war in Iraq, also won the major award for the best motion picture. This winning bit 3D blockbuster Avatar expectation to rule the night and make the director James Cameron having ‘I am the king of the world’ moment again, after the success of his 1997’s Titanic in Oscar.

Bigelow was not the only one who hit a record in the prom. Major prices were also given for many first-time recipients. Jeff Bridges (Crazy Heart) and Sandra Bullock (The Blind Side), biting the most nominated actor Meryl Streep in Oscars history, got their first Oscars for Actor/Actress in a leading role. It was Sandy’s first Oscar in her career, also her first to get nominated. Mo’Nique made another list of African-American woman to win the price after Halley Berry in 2002 and Hattie McDaniel whom MoNique mentioned in her outstanding speech. She received her first Oscar for her supporting role in Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire, an inspiring movie co-produced by Oprah Winfrey.

In this year the Academy team made a little bit enhancement by nominating 10 movies in Best Motion Picture, instead of the usual five since 1946. Disney favorite animated flick Up and sci-fi District 9 are among of them, which are very rare for non-drama picture to get nominated.

The Hurt Locker wins 6 Oscars of their 9 nominations, including Best Screen Play and Best Editing.

Full list winners and nominations:

Saturday, February 20, 2010

What do I YouTube recently?

I YouTube “Pop-star to Opera-star”.

It is an uncommon singing competition, aired weekly in UK’s ITV, which features pop-stars competing to be an opera performer. the 2010 show begins with eight then-now pop-stars, they are Jimmy Osmond, Mcfly’s Danny Jones, 2002 Popidol winner Darius Campbell, Bernie Nolan, The Saturdays’ Vanessa White, Kym Marsh, Marcella Detroit and Alex James of The Blur. The show becomes really famously hilarious when the opera-stars-to-be find difficulty in different style of they every-time singing. To be a professional in this classical-style of singing, the competitors get a train from today’s famous opera-star, the mezzo-soprano Katherine Jenkins and tenor Rolando Villazon, who also both appearing as commentator in the live-show. Each singer will be given different arias every-week, from Mozart’s Figgaro Marriage to Porgy and Bess.

Since I dreamt to be an opera-star (look-a-like), I think this show is not only offering some ‘entertainment’, but also a chance of learning how to be a good singer according to classical-style of singing.

Interesting part:
- First week, when Blur’ Alex James showed up with different style of singing “Largo al Factotum”
- Trainer and singers always act ridiculously. They got different ‘interpretation’ of songs.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

About Globe to Oscars: Ladies, SIZE DOES MATTER


Looking out this 2010 Awards season, I notice that there are some differences from the past few years’ tradition. Check out the Globe, SAG, to BAFTA and Oscars’ nominees, doubled-size women are taking the center-stage.

Meet Gabourey "Gabby" Sidibe. Making her debut in the “Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire” movie, she is playing Claireece Jones character, a sixteen year-old girl who is pregnant for the second time after being raped by her father and is also on the receiving end of constant physical abuse by her mother. Raised in the wild New York’s Harlem, Gabby had no confidence in the acting-world. However, she changed her mind after-all by doing “Precious”, directed by Lee Daniels. She went to the casting after her friend encouraged her to do so. Her confidence and, also, role get a warm-welcome by critics. And it’s all paid off. Gabby get Globe, SAG, BAFTA and Oscar nomination, each for ‘Actress in Leading Role’.

Her co-star Mo'Nique, has made her appearance in screen world long ago before Gabby. Monique Imes is well-known for her comedy carrier. She’s doing her own show, once a host in BET awards, and guest-staring in ‘Ugly Betty’. Far beyond from her comedy carrier, Mo’Nique has received her first Golden Globe and SAGs for her drama supporting role in “Precious” and maybe waiting for other winnings in BAFTA and Oscars.
“Precious” itself got 58 nominations in 2009-2010 awards ceremony, and already got 44 of them.

In TV-screen, we've seen Amber Riley, one of the super-talented casts of musical series ‘Glee’. She’s 23 years old now, and when she was 16, she did an American-Idol audition, but she didn’t make it. Well, considering her big success in Glee, I think American Idol would regret her decision of dumping Riley. Already got Globes and SAG trophy with her ‘Glee’ entourage, this always-catchy-fashionista big girl keep her focus on as “Gleeks”, that support her both in acting and singing carrier.

Talking about the Vanity Fair’s March cover, well I think these ‘big girls’ should be consider as "the fresh faces of 2010” on VF March cover, instead of ‘old’ young slim actress. 2010 is all about BIG talent, BIG winning , and BIG size. Yes, SIZE DOES MATTER! ;)

New “We Are The World” (Haiti Relief)

Remember the in-touching song “We Are the World”? which Michael Jackson joint Tina Turner, Kenny Rogers, Stevie Wonder and other legends singing together for African relief hunger and raised $63 million?

It turns out that there will be a new version of “We Are the World”

The song writer, Lionel Richie and the producer fellow musician Quincy Jones, announced that the rearranged-song would be released in order to help Haiti relief after devastative quake hit the poorest country in western-hemisphere. Also to remark the 25th anniversary of this song, artists of musicians and some actors confirmed to join this charity: Celine Dion to Justin Bieber, Rihanna to Vince Vaughn, and Jason Mraz to already Golden Globe and SAG winner Jeff Bridges, also Usher with Barbara Streisand were resembled together in this music-relief. The recording took place in Kermit Studio, L.A., a day after Grammy night last weekend.

The brand new “We Are The World” is due during the opening of 2010 Winter Olympics this mid February.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Grammy on the way.. (eye on Gaga and Beyonce)
The most prestigious music award in the universe is on the way. The 2010 Grammy Awards will be held this weekend in LA. Gaga and Beyonce are battling down with their multiple nominations, including record of the year and album of the year. Many critics are predicting the always-fab Gaga will make this Grammy as her ‘year’ after Gaga’s success both in her album-sell and recent tours. However, Beyonce, with her 2009 party anthem “Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)” is possibly to win record of the year, after its satisfying record in single sells and receiving a great feedback from music critics.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

it's iPad

Finally, the wait is over. Steve Jobs unveiled the new Apple's gadget: iPad. It is a tablet device, as many sources have predicted, with a look similar to iPhone, but in bigger size: 9,7" IPS screen and 0,5" thickness. The tablet, available in 16 and 64 GB, is deviced with greater applications such as e-book (it's new for Apple though) and it has iTunes and other typical Apple apps. The gadget is currently available in U.S only, priced from US$500-US$900, but will be distributed worldwide in three months.

more in

Apple’s new gig

The Apple CEO, Steve Jobs, is about to reveal the new Apple gadget. Still kept in a big secret, some of people say that it will be the updated ‘Tablets’, which made its appearance around 90’s. Apple is always fascinating people for its innovation in gadgets-world. So waiting in a couple of hours from now is very worth-while.

Oscar nominee to be announced

We passed the globes and the SAGs, and now we reach Oscar. The 2010 Academy Awards’ nominees are about to be declared. So which flicks get multi-nominee? ‘Avatar’or ‘Nine’? and will Meryl Streep get double nominee in her two different roles? Catch the nominee announcement on Tuesday, February 2. The Oscar nominee Anne Hathaway is scheduled to reveal the lucky nominees.

connect to

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

be GLEE-ks now!!

Be GLEE-ks now!!!

Finally, after million years of long-waiting, GLEE, the American phenomenal show has arrived in Indonesia. The story of Glee outlines the life of high-school pupils who love to music sing and dance, and their struggle to be accepted in school community by acting some creativity. Casted by talented new comers, Glee has become a 2009’s most-watched comedy series in the states.

What do I love about this show?

- its MUSIC. They sing all kinds of music. Blues, musical, old songs to recent muse. Some songs remain originally-arranged and others really catchy-arranged. Not-boring.

- Its cast. Multi-multi-multi talented. They can act, sing, and dance. Genius!

- Its story. Inspiring, self-confidence booster!

Some of the Glee cast: Cory Monteith, Mark Salling, Amber Riley. Glee has inspired American teenager to have a firm self-confidence in following their dreams. They are Gleeks. So wanna be the new Gleeks now??

Glee starts tonight on Star World @ 8p.m. right after American Idol season 9